Send Magic Message

Sending a Magic Message reduces the number of steps your user needs to complete, and it eliminates the need for typing. That's a win for anyone authenticating on mobile.

Users start their Swoop authentication journey when they Swoop In by clicking the "Swoop In with email" button on your web property or application.


The "Swoop In with email button" is typically located where a property would place their login/register button within their own website or application. An example can be found here.


Swoop In with email Password free authentication

After clicking the Swoop In with email button, the user is brought to the Swoop In authentication landing page that offers the option to GET MAGIC LINK or SEND MAGIC MESSAGE. From here users will click Send Magic Message.


Send Magic Message

If it's the first time a Magic Message is sent from that device, the user will need to tell us how they prefer to check their email: from a desktop client application (such as Apple Mail) or in a web browser (such as Gmail). That selection will be saved as their preferred method for authorizing with Swoop for any property moving forward. Sending a Magic Message is particularly useful from mobile devices. Give it a try.


Passwordless email preferences

After the preferred email app or web browser is selected, Swoop will trigger a pre-composed email in your user's email client that contains all the special sauce needed to securely authenticate with your web property.


Send Magic Message email composition

There's no need to type. Simply click the "Send" button and let the magic happen.


After this initial authentication, users will be able to use the 1-Click Connect for subsequent visits.